Things happen... throughout the year. But what if we wanted to count all the things that happened within a certain month?
Well for the counting, we can use CountIfs, but let's think about those Dates!
Today we have a list of People that were hired in the year:
Let's say we wanted to count which hires were Open vs Closed. Using a CountIfs formula to do that is easy:
=countifs(countColumn1, whatToLookFor1, countColumn2, whatToLookFor2, ..)
In our example, we're looking in the A column for when it says "Open":
That gives us a 4:
Now that's great, but what if we wanted to calculate how many Hires have an Open status and were hired in August.
Well for that, it's best if we put our start date in an open cell:
Now, we'll update our CountIfs formula, to look at the A column for the word "Open" and Column B for dates after August 1 but before September 1. (We'll calculate September 1st i.e. one month in the future using EDate).
So our formula will look something like this:
B:B,">="&H1 - We're checking the B column for Greater Than or Equal to Aug 1 B:B,"<"&EDATE(H1,1) - And then we're checking the B column for Less Than Sept 1
And there you have it! You can now even change the Start Date to September and the results update automatically!